Tokyo, Japan
The Peninsula Spa
January 25, 2021
The Peninsula Spa


The Peninsula Spa..  a haven of calm where deep relaxation and bespoke spa treatments are offered. The Peninsula Spa is one of the few spas in the city that works with Subtle Energies, an Australian brand that creates results-driven aromatherapy, skincare and wellness solutions inspired by Ayurvedic principles.

東京の中心に位置する、ザ・ペニンシュラ スパ。都心に位置しながら、都市のノイズから離れ、心身共にリラックスできるザ・ペニンシュラ スパは、アーユルヴェーダと、東洋と西洋の古来の療法の哲学を融合したオーストラリアン ブランドの「サトル エナジーズ」を使用したトリートメントメニューが充実しているスパです。

The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa - Subtle Energies Products
The Peninsula Spa - Subtle Energies Products

Subtle Energies products in the changing room. I personally love the Shanti Body Lotion with the heavenly aroma of Patchouli and White Champa.

着替え室に置いてある、サトル エナジーズのボディケア アイテム。

The Peninsula Spa - Treatment Room (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)
The Peninsula Spa - Treatment Room (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)

Japanese shoji screens and adjustable heated beds await in the treatment room.


The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa

One of the spa’s signature treatment is Subtle Energies’ Advanced Holistic Massage, a spectacular pampering menu that is designed to be as effective as it is relaxing. The treatment begins with a hand bath ritual where you place both of your hands into a hot tub of water with Subtle Energies’ Rasayana Bath Soak. Once you lay on the treatment bed, it follows on with a short, guided breathing exercise, where you focus on breathing to enter a deeper state or relaxation. The calming aroma of wild turmeric and limbu transported via the vapor of the bath oil underneath the bed creates a true state of bliss. Massage begins and it eases every single ache and tension spot in the body. Various oils by Subtle Energies are used for the different parts of the body. Indian Rose scented Facial Blend for the face, Muscle Ease Massage Blend for neck and shoulder, and Lavender scented Relax Blend (one I chose out of the 3 options) for the rest of the body. Wealth of wellness techniques and traditions, including Ayurveda, and lymphatic drainage are incorporated.

[サトル エナジーズ] アドバンス ホリスティック マッサージ 

サトル エナジーズのラサヤナ・バスソーク香るゴールドのタブに両手を入れ、気持ちのいいハンドクリーニングがまず始めに行われます。次にベッドにうつ伏せになり、顔の真下に置かれた、先ほどのホットタブから伝わるワイルドターメリックやリンブの香りに癒されながら、セラピストに誘導されての深呼吸へ…続いてマッサージに入ると、サトル エナジーズのボディオイルの心癒される香りのパレードが始まります。首と肩にはマッスルイーズ マッサージ ブレンドオイル、フェイシャル時には、インディアンローズ香るフェイシャル ブレンド、身体部分には初めに3種類の香りの中から選んだ、ラベンダー香るリラックス ブレンドを使用。


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Marma therapy and chakra balance align vital energy centers. Enriching results-based blends deliver powerful active benefits, including:

・ Improving the sleep cycle

・ Strengthening muscles and joints

・ Combating fatigue and releasing tension

・ Eliminating toxins

The 80-minute treatment includes a Subtle Energies signature facial marma massage with potent aromatic actives designed to balance the emotions, release stress, and reduce anxiety.






1時間20分のトリートメントには、心のバランスを整えるアロマオイルを用いたシグネチャー フェイシャル マルマ マッサージが含まれます。

The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa

Arriving back at the spa reception,  slowly coming back to the real world after the restoring treatment.


The Peninsula Spa - Swimming  Pool (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)
The Peninsula Spa - Swimming  Pool (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)

Bright and spacious swimming pool area. There is also a relaxation area and a thermal suite and aromatic steam rooms, dry saunas, showers and shaved ice fountains that completes the luxurious spa journey. Currently  (January 2021) closed due to covid-19.


The Peninsula Spa - Relaxation Room (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)
The Peninsula Spa - Relaxation Room (Image Courtesy of The Peninsula Spa)

The Peninsula Spa is the perfect hide out where one could easily revitalize the mind, body and spirit and be transported to an oasis of calm, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

都市の喧騒を離れ、心身共にリラックスできるザ・ペニンシュラ スパ で、日ごろの疲れを癒し、至福のモーメントを楽しんでみてはいかがですか?

The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa
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1-8-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0006, Japan 6F

For Spa Web Page click

スパの HPは こちら
The Peninsula Spa
The Peninsula Spa