Food, Retreats
Recharge Your Body & Mind at Paddington, Sydney
September 28, 2019
Orchard St. Paddington

Paddington is one of my favorite suburb in Sydney, Australia. Paddington is full of art & fashion vibe with beautiful boutiques and cafes on every street corner. This is where I hanged out in my University days,  and it has become one of my most memorable place in Sydney, so I figured it was about time to share with you the magic of Paddington. How to spend time mindfully.. here are some of the things you could do in Paddington to ease your mind and spirit!

シドニーで一番おしゃれな街「パディントン」は私だけではなく、ローカルの人達にも人気のスポットなんです。この街には芸術が専門の大学があるだけに、街全体とてもアートフルな雰囲気で、おしゃれなカフェはもちろん、ファッションブティックも沢山あります。今回は、そんな素敵な街「パディントン」での癒しの過ごしかた3 WAYS をご紹介します!


Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.

Located at the intersection on the corner of Oxford St. and  Glenmore Rd. is this little gem cafe stop ‘Orchard st. Cafe’.The shop offers elixirs, treats, full range of organic  juices, high vibe lifestyle products and other delicacies to go.


Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.

I usually grab a bottle of ‘Peace Mylk’ (my favorite) which is a nut drink with a motto of ‘relax, nourish, soothe’.Here are the ingredients: almond mylk, dates, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, clove, ashwagandha, mucuna, celtic sea salt.

ここで私が良く飲むのが、‘PEACE MYLK’ 。ナッツミルクが中心のドリンク - 中身はデイツ、アーモンドミルク,シナモン、ナツメグ、クローブ、アシワガンだ、シーソルト...甘過ぎないから美味しい♡

Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
Paddington, Sydney - Orchard St.
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I love their concept, “Channeling the ancient and modern arts of wellness into life enhancing offerings”.  It’s just so easy for me to tune into their ‘ways to wellness ‘.  So if you’re in search for premium organic juice detox,high vibe juice, deeply nourishing smoothies, cleansing tonics and adaptogen-rich nut mylks to support your wellness, this is the place to go.

“CHANNELING THE ANCIENT AND MODERN ARTS OF WELLNESS INTO LIFE ENHANCING OFFERINGS”.(古代+現代の健康法と、生活を高めてくれるあらゆる物を繋ぐ)という、ここのお店のディープなコンセプトが大好きなんです。店内にはオリジナルのスキン・セルフケアアイテム、キャンドル、ティー、クリスタル等、素敵で癒されるグッズも販売しているので、きっと良い自分へのギフトが見つかるはず。是非「オーチャード・ストリート」で癒されてみてね。


Paddington, Sydney - UNSW Gallery
Paddington, Sydney - UNSW Gallery
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Unwind your mind  at the University of NSW Gallery. It’s a great place to relax your mind and to put yourself in another dimension, a place far from ordinary.  Contemplative, mindful viewing of artworks can relax the mind and body. UNSW in Paddington is the campus for ‘fine art’ and it used to ‘semi' be my campus (I came here for painting as my general subject). This is how Paddington has become a ‘memorable’ place for me. It’s always such a pleasure to visit this artful corner.

こちらはUNIVERSITY OF NSW(ニューサウス・ウェールズ大学)のCOFA(芸術専門)のキャンパスで、実は私も通っていた大学なんです(私はメインキャンパスが中心でしたが)。ここのキャンパスはいつ来ても静かな時間がながれていて、居心地がとても良いんです。キャンパス内には誰でも入れるアートギャラリーもあります。ギャラリーには生徒のさまざまな作品が展示してあり、ゆっくりとアートを楽しめます。アート作品を見つめていると、自然との脳みそが落ち着くので、アートに深く癒されたい方は是非行ってみてください。

Paddington, Sydney - UNSW Gallery


Paddington, Sydney - Venustus Spa
Paddington, Sydney - Venustus Spa
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The - most - tranquil - place - to visit in Paddington. One of my favorite day spa / mindful haven in the world is Venustus. Nestled  in the vibrant part of Paddington is this place of subtle alchemy that will immerse your senses in deep natural peace. If your intention is to live every day with the highest energy level and with purity, this is the place to go to shift your mind and spirit. I experienced a high quality ‘Om massage’ which is a blend of massage therapies and energy work. To find out more about my experience at Venustus Spa, please read my article here.


Paddington, Sydney - Venustus Spa
Paddington, Sydney - Venustus Spa
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Shop 4, 2-16 Glenmore Rd Paddington

For hotel web page click

ホテルの HPは

Cnr of Oxford St and Greens Rd, Paddington NSW 2021, Australia

381 Oxford Street, Paddington, NSW, 2021
Recharge Your Body & Mind at Paddington, Sydney
Recharge Your Body & Mind at Paddington, Sydney